
Featured image for 'Pulling Down Strongholds'

Pulling Down Strongholds

Pastor Vlad continues our sermon series, Fight Back, with a lively message called “Pulling Down Strongholds.” This message covers strongholds:

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Featured image for 'Authority by Assignment'

Authority by Assignment

Walk in spiritual authority!

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Featured image for 'Pay With Attention'

Pay With Attention

Pastor Vlad brings truth about how valuable our attention is and shares practical steps on redirecting our focus to God

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Featured image for '10 Keys to Dealing with Difficult People'

10 Keys to Dealing with Difficult People

Whether you’re in ministry or on a job, married or in school, you will always be around people. Learning to

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Featured image for 'Married but Miserable'

Married but Miserable

Have you felt hopeless in your relationship? Have you wanted to give up? Are you in a seemingly never-ending cycle

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Featured image for 'Healthy Heart'

Healthy Heart

Does your heart have peace? Do you feel pain? Do you feel pleasure? Do you delight in His presence?  Solomon

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Featured image for 'More Than Measure'

More Than Measure

Then He said to them, “Take heed what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measured

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Featured image for 'At War with the Wind'

At War with the Wind

Pastor Vlad brings a word that is sure to encourage you, no matter the season that you are in. In

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Featured image for 'Plant Seeds, Pull Weeds and Kill Snakes'

Plant Seeds, Pull Weeds and Kill Snakes

Lana and I just celebrated 10 years of marriage. Reminiscing over the past 10 years, we want to share some

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Featured image for 'Vision Collision'

Vision Collision

What is vision? How do you hear God’s voice? What is God’s vision for YOUR life?

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Featured image for 'Living in Someone’s Shadow'

Living in Someone’s Shadow

Being in the shadow is being in the shade. Dwelling in God’s presence is living under God’s shadow. His presence

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Featured image for 'Staying Faithful When it’s Not Fair'

Staying Faithful When it’s Not Fair

Pastor Vlad brings a message about faith that is sure to shake up yours! He highlights what giving looks like

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