Shift in FocusIn this message, Matt Cruz talks about what focus looks like for a believer and he answers the question, “WhyRead More
Satanic StrikePastor Mariana goes back to the Great Commission to fire you up again about your calling and highlights tactics theRead More
Shift of SeasonsPastor Vlad continues the sermon series, “Seasons”. In this message he unpacks the reality that no matter the changes ofRead More
Four SeasonsThis week Pastor Vlad teaches us on the importance of perspective in every season. Just like Joseph, there are fourRead More
It’s Just a ShadowThis Christmas Pastor Vlad speaks on the true reason for the season. How Jesus is the true Emmanuel, God withRead More
Pitstops to the PalaceThis week, Liliya Savchuk shared about the process of reaching our palace.Read More
Build the Life You LoveThis week Brittany shared a powerful message about building a life that we love, using the example of building aRead More
Urgency For SoulsEvangelist Ivan talked about the importance to evangelize because Jesus has commanded us to do so. We have the unlimitedRead More
Possessing Your Promise LandPastor Ilya continued his message on possessing your promise land. He went into depth on the things we can improveRead More
Identity AmnesiaPastor Vlad continued Secret Place series with powerful message on Identity Amnesia. In this message you will learn that ifRead More
Passion & DisciplineLiliya shares about how the kingdom of heaven is like the 10 virgins who were waiting for the groom. SheRead More