Reach Your Potential This week, Vladimir Savchuk shares a message on your circumstances doesn’t determine your purpose. We need to aim for theRead More
Holy Spirit is Our Advocate This week, Brittany Still shares a message on how the Holy Spirit is our advocate.Read More
The Tale of Two Trees This week, Vladimir Savchuk reveals the difference between religion and christianity.Read More
Make the Devil Homeless This week, Pastor Vladimir Savchuk shares a message about knowing the truth which sets you free.Read More
God with us This week, Ilya Parkhotyuk shares a message how God empowers us. If God is with us then who can comeRead More
Descending Dove This week, Pastor Vladimir Savchuk shares a message about the person of the Holy Spirit.Read More
Debt This week, Pastor Ilya Parkhotyuk shares a message about being obligated to share the gospel of Christ to the peopleRead More
This Kind This week, Pastor Vladimir Savchuk shares a message on being so rooted in the Holy Spirit. You must allow God’sRead More
Overcoming with the Greater This week, Pastor Vasiliy Parkhotyuk shares a message on how to overcome life with Jesus.Read More
Stewardship of faith This week, Pastor Vasiliy Parkhotyuk shares a message on faithful stewardship.Read More
Pitch a Tent, Build an Altar This week, Pastor Vladimir Savchuk shares a message on modeling a life of sacrifice to God.Read More