Kingdom Invasion Miracles are seen as an invasion of God’s kingdom rather than a violation of natural laws. Miracles are associated withRead More
Triggered by Trauma Emotional wounds can result from trauma, abuse, or other distressing experiences, leaving a person vulnerable to demonic influence. Trauma canRead More
The Father of Choice Joseph’s responsibilities as a father were instrumental in shaping Jesus’ life, and he fulfilled them with faithfulness and devotion. HisRead More
Is Socialism Biblical? In this message we gain knowledge on how the enemy is using Socialism.Read More
When Your Brook Runs Dry In this message we learn about relying on God’s provision and trusting Him even in difficult circumstances. God can provideRead More
The Baptism of Fire In this message, strategies for understanding and overcoming adversity is shared. At times we may ask ourselves why are certainRead More
Dragon Slayer Crushing The Head Of The Serpent 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, “For I delivered to you first of all that which IRead More
The Believers Progression This message will help the believer to examine their life and recognize which stage they’re at in their walk withRead More
Never Alone You are never alone! Learn the reality of the omnipresence of God in this message!Read More
Christian Wellness As Christians we have to defend our health against the enemy! In this message Everett Roeth explains the practical stepsRead More
Life in Death Have you ever wondered why the Christian Life seems impossible to live out successfully? In this message Pastor Vlad confrontsRead More