Wolf PackIn the sermon, three key tactics for effective Christian living are outlined. First, “One Team, One Fight” emphasizes that everyRead More
Going DeeperThis sermon, titled “Go Deep,” challenges believers to experience the fullness of life in Christ by moving beyond a shallowRead More
Door of OpportunityThe sermon “The Door of Opportunity” centers on the theme of seizing God-given opportunities and the consequences of neglecting them.Read More
The Child In Not DeadThe sermon titled “The Child is Not Dead” emphasizes the importance of defending the Christian faith through understanding and rightlyRead More
5 Things God Expects from Christian DadThe sermon highlights the importance of fatherhood and the impact of different types of fathers on their children’s lives. ItRead More
The Way of WisdomThe sermon on “The Value of Wisdom” underscores the importance of wisdom as a divine gift that leads to aRead More
The Threshing FloorThis sermon highlights several key points about getting your fire back. Through these points, the sermon encourages believers to embraceRead More
Why You Can Believe The BibleThis sermon highlights the intentional and purposeful composition of the Bible, involving key figures like eyewitnesses and ministers of theRead More
Soul-Winning SecretsThis sermon emphasizes the significance of being attuned to God’s heart, particularly His deep concern for people. It stresses theRead More