Pulling Down Strongholds Pastor Vlad continues our sermon series, Fight Back, with a lively message called “Pulling Down Strongholds.” This message covers strongholds:Read More
Where Are Your Keys John Ramirez visited our church home and gave an inspiring word on finding purpose in the midst of life’s frivolousRead More
Digging for Dominion Pastor Vlad continues the series “Digging Wells” and today he ventures into the decisions we must make as christians toRead More
Possessing Your Promise Land Pastor Ilya continued his message on possessing your promise land. He went into depth on the things we can improveRead More
How to Walk in the Holy Spirit Pastor Vlad ministered at STAY LIT London Conference at KICC Church a powerful message on what it means to walkRead More
Path To Your Breakthrough Pastor Ilya preached a message on the importance of your thoughts and how what happens in our mind when weRead More
Militant Church Isaiah Saldivar preached a radical message on how the church should be on fire for Jesus and not be lookwarmRead More
Revival Lifestyle Isaiah Saldivar preached about how revival cannot be just a one day event or a season but a lifestyle. HeRead More
Living From The Inside Out Pastor Vlad continued the series “The Secret Place”. He talked about how we as christian live our lives from theRead More
Identity Amnesia Pastor Vlad continued Secret Place series with powerful message on Identity Amnesia. In this message you will learn that ifRead More
Warming at the Wrong Fire Pastor Vlad started a new series called The Secret Place. He talked about Peters life and how we can learnRead More