Jesus is in Your BoatIn this message Pastor Jason will encourage your faith to believe God can still provide a miracle in the darkestRead More
Deserts & GardensEveryone has walked or will walk through the wilderness at some point in life! The key is to know whichRead More
While WaitingIn this message Pastor Vlad Savchuk explains 3 practical keys of waiting well! Everyone is in a waiting season atRead More
God Given IdentityCheck out this powerful word by Pastor Zack Parkhotyuk! When our identity is not secure, we will accept anything toRead More
Break the CycleLearn how the Devil gains access to your life and how you can stop demonic infiltration in your life! InRead More
Encountering the Living JesusLearn how Jesus can encounter you wherever you are! In this message Pastor Vlad also explains how the resurrection ofRead More
The Work of AngelsWhat do angels do? In this message Pastor Vlad debunks myths and explains the truth behind angelic responsibilities and whatRead More
Modern Day SorceryDiscover the truth behind religious drug use in modern and ancient societies! In this message Everett Roeth unveils the practicesRead More
The Truth Behind Modern Day SorceryModern Day Sorcery When you hear ‘sorcery’ you might think of wizards like ‘Gandalf’ in movies, with a staff butRead More
Holy Spirit is the DifferenceThe Holy Spirit will break down idols in your life, but it is up to you to remove the rubble!Read More
The Gospel of GenerosityIn this message Pastor Vlad addresses what giving looks like biblically! As a Christian God wants to bless the workRead More
Cosmic ConflictIn this teaching Pastor Vlad explains the truth about Principalities and the believer’s strategy to defeat them! Learn what PrincipalitiesRead More