5 Roles of A Biblical HusbandIn this message, the roles of a Biblical Husband are shared. As a Leader and a Laborer, Learner, and LoyalRead More
A Trad Wife – 5 Roles of A Biblical WifeWhat is the role of a wife in a Biblical marriage? Why did the Lord create a woman and howRead More
Marriage is a Covenant, Not a ContractThis message continues in the series; “Till Death Do Us Part” where biblical reference is drawn to show how GodRead More
How Selfishness destroys a MarriageThis message gives biblical and practical steps to cultivate intimacy in marriage. It’s about choosing action over laziness. Choosing servanthoodRead More
The Believers ProgressionThis message will help the believer to examine their life and recognize which stage they’re at in their walk withRead More
Limitation is an InvitationThis message is a reminder of what looks like a limitation is actually an invitation by God. Compassion will takeRead More
Come Out of The TentThis message is a reminder when you are down, see the sand; when it’s dark, see the stars. When God removesRead More
Right Place. Right People. Right Plan.God will lead you to the right place before He will bring the right people. Right people are found inRead More
Building Holy Habits This YearOne thing to desire is spending time in the house of the Lord. One thing that is needed is toRead More
The Bird is After The BookAre you being fed? or you are feeding your enemy? Anytime that word of God doesn’t go into your heart,Read More
Victory In The ValleyPersonal transformation precedes power demonstration. Prayer enables you to overcome, but arguing disables you from winning. Mountain-top people can handleRead More
When We Are Tested by FIRE and WATERWe are all building something. It just depends on how and with what QUALITY OF MATERIAL. We MUST pay attentionRead More