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Featured image for 'Lessons for Christian life from a dog!'

Lessons for Christian life from a dog!

God said that Caleb was a man who wholly followed God. Word “Caleb” actually translates to dog. Like a dog

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Featured image for 'Destructive Power of Alcohol'

Destructive Power of Alcohol

According to a study conducted by JAMA Psychiatry; “A new study shows that 32 million Americans, nearly one in seven

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Featured image for '10 Tips to Overcome Spiritual Drought'

10 Tips to Overcome Spiritual Drought

We all will go through spiritual droughts, but they do not need to take over your life. Sometimes great victories

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Featured image for 'Jesus napped, so should you!'

Jesus napped, so should you!

In Luke 23-25, Jesus and his disciples were on their way to Gerasenes, Jesus took a nap in the boat.

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Featured image for 'Why is Jesus so incredible?'

Why is Jesus so incredible?

Much of Jesus’ life on Earth was private, so that is thirty years of unknown history. However, for the three

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Featured image for 'Jesus. Man? God? Messiah? Something else?'

Jesus. Man? God? Messiah? Something else?

Jesus must be the perfect unity of God and man for Christianity to be possible. He had all of the

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Featured image for '4 Things That Kill Fire for God'

4 Things That Kill Fire for God

In my fourteen years of ministering to youth, I noticed four things that kill the fire inside me. The first

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Featured image for '4 Myths of Marriage'

4 Myths of Marriage

Many walk into marriage with HIGH EXPECTATIONS and LOW PREPARATIONS which usually results in GREAT DISAPPOINTMENT. In the Bible story

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Planted or Buried?

Planted or Buried?

Grain seed is extremely small in size. Everything great in life starts with the seed. Even human life starts with

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Featured image for '5 Stages of Manhood'

5 Stages of Manhood

You are male by birth, but man by choice. The worse dilemma in our generation is that boys became husbands.

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How to Overcome Doubt?

How to Overcome Doubt?

Doubt can drown you. Doubt can also be drowned by you. Great men of faith like Abraham, Zachariah, Philip, Peter

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Three Types of Curses

Three Types of Curses

Curses are real. Sin brought curse. Old Testament divides people into blessed or cursed. Power of curse and blessing is

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