
Featured image for 'How Selfishness destroys a Marriage'

How Selfishness destroys a Marriage

This message gives biblical and practical steps to cultivate intimacy in marriage. It’s about choosing action over laziness. Choosing servanthood

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Featured image for 'Selfishly Married'

Selfishly Married

How Selfishness Destroys Marriage Matthew 19:4-6, “‘Haven’t you read,’ He replied, ‘that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male

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Featured image for 'The Believers Progression'

The Believers Progression

This message will help the believer to examine their life and recognize which stage they’re at in their walk with

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Featured image for 'The Believer’s Progression'

The Believer’s Progression

Three Stages Of Life Matthew 9:36-38, “When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them because they were confused

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Featured image for 'Limitation is an Invitation'

Limitation is an Invitation

This message is a reminder of what looks like a limitation is actually an invitation by God. Compassion will take

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Featured image for 'Limitation Is An Invitation'

Limitation Is An Invitation

God Loves Every Human Being Matthew 14:13, “When Jesus heard it, He departed from there by boat to a deserted

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Featured image for 'Come Out of The Tent'

Come Out of The Tent

This message is a reminder when you are down, see the sand; when it’s dark, see the stars. When God removes

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Featured image for 'Come Out Of The Tent'

Come Out Of The Tent

What Is Your Tent? Genesis 13:14, “And the LORD said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him: “Lift your

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Featured image for 'Right Place. Right People. Right Plan.'

Right Place. Right People. Right Plan.

Questions For God Acts 9:5-6, “And he said, “Who are You, Lord?” Then the Lord said, “I am Jesus, whom

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Featured image for 'Right Place. Right People. Right Plan.'

Right Place. Right People. Right Plan.

God will lead you to the right place before He will bring the right people. Right people are found in

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Featured image for 'Developing Holy Habits'

Developing Holy Habits

My desire today is not only to excite you but for the Lord to help you build a holy habit.

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Featured image for 'Victory In The Valley'

Victory In The Valley

Increase The Heat Fever is the body’s response to disease. I used to think the fever was the disease. It

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