Breaking the Chains of Social MediaAs a part of this new generation we are saturated by Social Media. We base our standards and sometimes ourRead More
7 Steps to Renew Your MindThe Apostle Paul said in Romans 12:2 that we are transformed by the renewing of the mind. Many of usRead More
Rising Above the NegativityWe live in an increasingly negative culture and it’s easy to be dragged down with all the discouraging and depressingRead More
The Power of VisionAwhile back, I went horseback riding and the instructor told me that the horse will eventually go the direction theRead More
The Work of TruthThis week, Vladimir Savchuk shares a message about the work of truth. The truth sets us free, and satan canRead More
Rich Dad, Poor DadThis week, Vladimir Savchuk shares a message about our renewing our mindset. Being to think differently, begin to trust theRead More