How to Change Your MindMind management is the most important thing for a believer because your success doesn’t start on the outside, it startsRead More
Seven Types of MindI believe that one of the most crippling things a person can have is not a physical problem but whenRead More
Hidden In ChristHidden in Christ Seasons are beyond valuable to growth as a Christian. There are seasons where you’re overwhelmed by yourRead More
7 Steps to Renew Your MindThe Apostle Paul said in Romans 12:2 that we are transformed by the renewing of the mind. Many of usRead More
The Power of VisionAwhile back, I went horseback riding and the instructor told me that the horse will eventually go the direction theRead More
The Battlefield of the MindThis week, Pastor Martin Parkhotyuk shares insight on the battlefield of the mind.Read More
Missionary MindsetThis week, Vladimir Savchuk shares a message on having a missionary mindset.Read More
Travel TracksThis week, Pastor Vladimir Savchuk shares a message about being transformed when our mind is renewed.Read More