
Featured image for 'Saints and Soldiers'

Saints and Soldiers

Bryson shares a POWERFUL message that highlights that you are called to be a SAINT and a SOLDIER. You are

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Featured image for 'How to Pray?'

How to Pray?

Are you wondering how to pray or what to pray for? You are not alone! Disciples asked Jesus the same

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Featured image for 'Wilderness Wanderings'

Wilderness Wanderings

When you can’t feel God, what do you do? To finish off the ‘Fight Back’ sermon series, Pastor Vlad brought

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Featured image for 'Faith in Healing // Raised to Deliver 2020'

Faith in Healing // Raised to Deliver 2020

Ivan shares a faith-building message about healing. Healing is a gift from God – you cannot earn it, you just

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Featured image for 'At War with the Wind'

At War with the Wind

Pastor Vlad brings a word that is sure to encourage you, no matter the season that you are in. In

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Featured image for 'Spiritual Birthmarks'

Spiritual Birthmarks

Pastor Vlad speaks a powerful message about what salvation means, what it looks like, and what it means to be

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Featured image for 'Becoming a Grateful Person'

Becoming a Grateful Person

I’m sure this is the 100th blogpost you came across about Gratitude, since Thanksgiving just happened a few weeks ago and

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Featured image for 'Shameless Persistence'

Shameless Persistence

A funny story of persistence happened to me that I want to share with you that will inspire you to

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Featured image for 'Martha Mindset, Mary Heartset'

Martha Mindset, Mary Heartset

Mary dropped everything and sat at the feet of Jesus and listened to his teachings, without a care in the

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Featured image for 'When Your Ministry is Dead'

When Your Ministry is Dead

Pastor Vlad started a new series titled “Towels & Titles”

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Featured image for 'Begin Your Day with REST, not CAFFEINE'

Begin Your Day with REST, not CAFFEINE

When I developed the habit of waking up early for prayer, it didn’t start with simply waking up early. It

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Featured image for 'Determined to Win'

Determined to Win

These days, many of us are interested in improving the quality of their lives. Whether you’re attempting to overcome a sinful

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