Jesus Knew Before the Passover Festival, Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart from this world to the Father. HavingRead More
9 Truths About Financial Sacrifice If you haven’t discovered by now, obedience takes a lot of sacrifice. Sacrifice sometimes hurts us to our core andRead More
5 Truths About Sacrifice Pastor Vlad shared a powerful message on #Sacrifice from the series #Encounter. If you are moved by this message andRead More
3 Keys to an Excellent Sacrifice Since the fall of man, sacrifices were offered to God for a variety of reasons. The first time we seeRead More
Fire on Sacrifice In this program, Pastor Andrey Shapoval hosts Vlad & Svetlana Savchuk for an in-depth discussion about sacrifice and the importanceRead More
Pitch a Tent, Build an Altar This week, Pastor Vladimir Savchuk shares a message on modeling a life of sacrifice to God.Read More
Faith that does not Cost Sacrifices This week, Pastor Vasiliy Parkhotyuk shares a message about faith which does not cost sacrifices.Read More