
Featured image for 'Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit'

Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit

When I was a teenager, I was bombarded with thoughts to say something bad about the Holy Spirit. These thoughts

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Featured image for '6 Benefits of Intimacy with Holy Spirit'

6 Benefits of Intimacy with Holy Spirit

All Christians have a relationship with Holy Spirit but not all Christians have intimacy with Him. There is a difference

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Featured image for 'Healing Explosion'

Healing Explosion

Pastor Vlad stated a new series on healing. This series will talk about how it’s the will of God to

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Featured image for 'Leave Your Grave'

Leave Your Grave

Pastor Vlad preached powerful sermon at Living Streams Youth in Jacksonville about Leave Your Grave. This will message will help you

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Featured image for 'Путь к Свободе'

Путь к Свободе

Пастор Влад сказал очень сильное слово в церкви Живой Поток, Jacksonville FL о том как найти свободу Боге из истории

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Featured image for 'Path to Freedom'

Path to Freedom

Pastor Vlad preached a powerful message at Living Stream Church, Jacksonville FL about how to find freedom in God from

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Featured image for 'Benefits of the Intimacy with the Holy Spirit'

Benefits of the Intimacy with the Holy Spirit

Pastor Vlad finished the Encounter series with moving message about the Benefits of the Intimacy with the Holy Spirit. If

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Featured image for '9 Truths About Financial Sacrifice'

9 Truths About Financial Sacrifice

If you haven’t discovered by now, obedience takes a lot of sacrifice. Sacrifice sometimes hurts us to our core and

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Featured image for '5 Truths About Sacrifice'

5 Truths About Sacrifice

Pastor Vlad shared a powerful message on #Sacrifice from the series #Encounter. If you are moved by this message and

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Featured image for '5 Reasons to Sacrifice'

5 Reasons to Sacrifice

There are three things you can do with your life, waste it by living selfishly, wreck it by living sinfully

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Featured image for '3 Keys to an Excellent Sacrifice'

3 Keys to an Excellent Sacrifice

Since the fall of man, sacrifices were offered to God for a variety of reasons. The first time we see

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Featured image for 'Hinderance to the Presence of God'

Hinderance to the Presence of God

Pastor Vlad continued Encounter series with powerful message about overcoming hinderances to the presence of God. 

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