
Featured image for 'Don’t Leak The Holy Spirit – Host The Holy Ghost (Part 4)'

Don’t Leak The Holy Spirit – Host The Holy Ghost (Part 4)

How Not To Leak The Anointing Of The Holy Spirit Learning to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit

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Featured image for 'Israel In The End Times'

Israel In The End Times

Israel Experienced Their Version Of America’s 9/11 A few weeks ago, Israel experienced the worst terrorist attack and the greatest

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Featured image for 'Kingdom Politics'

Kingdom Politics

What Is Christian Politics? What is the true Kingdom perspective on politics? We see a lot of people become divisive,

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Featured image for 'Don’t Hurt The Holy Spirit'

Don’t Hurt The Holy Spirit

Host The Holy Ghost “And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God by whom you were sealed for the

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Featured image for 'The Fight For The Future'

The Fight For The Future

God Wants To Use Your Kids In The Last Days You are never too young to change the world and

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Featured image for 'Sensitivity To The Holy Spirit'

Sensitivity To The Holy Spirit

Personal Relationship With The Holy Spirit The purpose of the Holy Spirit coming into the church is for us to

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Featured image for 'Friendship With The Holy Spirit'

Friendship With The Holy Spirit

Ignorant Of The Holy Spirit Christians today operate very little in the Holy Spirit because of their ignorance concerning the

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Featured image for 'Triggered By Trauma'

Triggered By Trauma

Inner Healing From Trauma And Soul Wounds Every person needs the healing of the heart in one are or another.

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Featured image for 'Invasion Of The Kingdom of God'

Invasion Of The Kingdom of God

When The Kingdom Of God Comes To Earth I want to talk about the invasion of the Kingdom of God

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Featured image for 'Raising Warriors – Parenting On Purpose Part 3'

Raising Warriors – Parenting On Purpose Part 3

I feel that this series is so prophetic for our generation and what is happening in society. We cannot turn

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Featured image for 'Managing Emotional Mayhem'

Managing Emotional Mayhem

Navigating The Turbulence Of Emotions This is Part 2 of our series on Parenting On Purpose and it will deal

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Featured image for 'Parenting On Purpose'

Parenting On Purpose

The Power Of A Godly Parent “Train up a child in the way they should go and when they are

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