Spiritual Inheritance Imagine a young heir, born into a royal family, yet unaware of the vast inheritance waiting for him. He struggles,Read More
Spiritual Growth Plan for 2025! Growth Catalyzes ChangeGrowing people naturally experience transformation. Embrace growth as the key to breaking barriers, opening doors, and receiving God’sRead More
Stay Mission-Focused The sermon emphasized that every believer is called to fulfill the Great Commission, as outlined in Matthew 28:19-20. Jesus gaveRead More
Church is Not You, it’s Us Sermon Summary This sermon highlights the communal nature of the Church, emphasizing that it is not an individual experience butRead More
Draw Near to God The sermon, titled “Draw Near to God” by Vlad, explores the intentional steps believers must take to draw closer toRead More
Autoimmune Disease Believers are urged to cultivate critical thinking over a critical spirit, recognizing that false accusations are part of their journey,Read More
Assembly Required Today’s message is a reminder that we are not merely individuals but a unified body—a church called to assemble andRead More
Time to be Mobilized God wants you to live to your full capacity! Learn to mobilize your life for God’s purpose in this powerfulRead More
Lord Heal My Life God wants to restore your life, but do you know what that truly means? Check out this message as PastorRead More
Deliver and Disciple Jesus ministered to the masses but multiplied with intentionality! We must be ready to do deliverance but also effectively disciple!Read More
Catch the Vision Jesus has a heart for the lost! In this message Bishop Oriel explains the true importance of aligning ourselves withRead More