God’s Heart For The PoorThis sermon emphasizes the Christian call to help the poor as an act of justice, mercy, and humility, rooted inRead More
Reality of HellSermon Summary This sermon, based on Matthew 13:47-50, emphasizes the reality of hell and the final judgment. The preacher explainsRead More
Sold OutThe sermon emphasizes the need for wholehearted devotion to God, urging believers to stop giving God their leftovers and fullyRead More
If My People Pray The sermon emphasize the critical importance of prayer in the life of a believer. God desires to heal and bless,Read More
The Threshing FloorThis sermon highlights several key points about getting your fire back. Through these points, the sermon encourages believers to embraceRead More
Why You Can Believe The BibleThis sermon highlights the intentional and purposeful composition of the Bible, involving key figures like eyewitnesses and ministers of theRead More
Soul-Winning SecretsThis sermon emphasizes the significance of being attuned to God’s heart, particularly His deep concern for people. It stresses theRead More
Catch the VisionJesus has a heart for the lost! In this message Bishop Oriel explains the true importance of aligning ourselves withRead More
Jealous GodIsaiah brings a message that will get you on your feet – He speaks on God’s jealousy towards you! WhatRead More