Feed My SheepPastor Brittany shares an encouraging word about what it is to follow the command of Jesus to feed His sheepRead More
Scary PeaceZack, during these perilous times, shares a three key points on peace during uncertain times, incline your ears to thisRead More
Rejection is RealIt’s not an accident that you stumbled upon this blog, I believe it was God. As you read, I askRead More
God Will Make a WayPastor Vlad shared a very powerful sermon from our Sunday evening service, your life will be blessed because of it.Read More
More Than a Life JacketPastor Vlad begins our new sermon series Embrace Grace, outlining the true reason for the season. In this message heRead More
Martha Mindset, Mary HeartsetMary dropped everything and sat at the feet of Jesus and listened to his teachings, without a care in theRead More
Potential > PositionPastor Vlad continues the sermon series “Towels & Titles” where He speaks about how our value is not determined byRead More
Jesus is the IntercessorThis week Pastor Vlad shares a message titled “Jesus is the Intercessor”. In this message he expounds on the powerRead More
Jesus is the BaptizerThis week Pastor Vlad continues his series on Jesus with a message title,” Jesus is the Baptizer”. In this messageRead More
Jesus as a SaviorThis week Pastor Ilya continues the sermon series on Jesus with his message titled, “Jesus as a Savior”. In thisRead More