How to Change Your Mind Mind management is the most important thing for a believer because your success doesn’t start on the outside, it startsRead More
Seven Types of Mind I believe that one of the most crippling things a person can have is not a physical problem but whenRead More
Becoming a Grateful Person I’m sure this is the 100th blogpost you came across about Gratitude, since Thanksgiving just happened a few weeks ago andRead More
Martha Mindset, Mary Heartset Mary dropped everything and sat at the feet of Jesus and listened to his teachings, without a care in theRead More
Discovering God in the Detour As we think about a variety of landscapes that God takes us through in the Christian life, we consider theRead More
What it Means to be a Servant BEEP BEEP BEEP! Your alarm goes off, it’s Sunday morning. You get ready for church and put on your SundayRead More
Determined to Win These days, many of us are interested in improving the quality of their lives. Whether you’re attempting to overcome a sinfulRead More
The Power of a Growth Mindset As humans, we are constantly experiencing failure, it is unavoidable and part of life. From infancy we are taught toRead More
The Ceiling for Your Healing Health is a basic value in life. “At least you have your health,” you may hear people say. If you’veRead More
Why do demons come back with 7 more demons? The spiritual world is real. All physical problems have their roots connected to the spiritual realm. Demons wage war againstRead More
Stressed Life is an unending kaleidoscope that moves at increasing speeds. As we grow in our lives new responsibilities pile onRead More
Hidden In Christ Hidden in Christ Seasons are beyond valuable to growth as a Christian. There are seasons where you’re overwhelmed by yourRead More