The Society of God A Christian concept of God is that he is one being in three co-equal Persons. We call this the Trinity,Read More
Smile! Horses don’t smile. Chimps don’t smile. In fact, no animal has the ability to smile, laugh, or make countless otherRead More
Don’t Fossils Prove Evolution? In my last article I talked about the problems with using the rocks in the geologic column to date fossils,Read More
When a Rock Dates a Fossil In my last two articles I talked about carbon dating (for formerly living things) and general radiometric dating (for minerals)Read More
Do Rocks Lie? This is the second article in the series titled, “Fossils and Dating and Rocks, Oh My!” Last time I talkedRead More
Fossils and dating and rocks, oh my! (Part 1) How do we know the age of the Earth? The Bible has records that show about a 6,000-year history backRead More
Why Christians must not be Evolutionists Many people I talk to tell me they believe in God, and many are actually Christians. They have accepted thatRead More
Who Created God? “If God made everything, then who made God?” This is a question I often I hear from skeptics early inRead More