
Featured image for 'Week 4 Recap: Prophetic (Part 1)'

Week 4 Recap: Prophetic (Part 1)

October 13, 2019 to October 19, 2019 This week, interns learned about the prophetic, the office of prophet and the

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Featured image for 'Week 3 Recap: Holy Spirit and Gifts'

Week 3 Recap: Holy Spirit and Gifts

October 14, 2019 to October 18, 2019 This week interns dove right into the topic of Holy Spirit and establishing

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Featured image for 'Is Being Slain in the Spirit Biblical?'

Is Being Slain in the Spirit Biblical?

Written by David Hernandez Yes, it is, and I’ll tell you why it is. But before I can present the

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Featured image for 'Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?'

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

The air is getting freaky. The days are getting shorter. Halloween is around the corner. Americans are expected to spend

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Featured image for 'Martha Mindset, Mary Heartset'

Martha Mindset, Mary Heartset

Mary dropped everything and sat at the feet of Jesus and listened to his teachings, without a care in the

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Featured image for 'The Society of God'

The Society of God

A Christian concept of God is that he is one being in three co-equal Persons. We call this the Trinity,

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Featured image for 'Week 2 Recap: Prayer & Faith'

Week 2 Recap: Prayer & Faith

September 29, 2019 to October 5, 2019 The next step towards building a foundation in Jesus is to learn about

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Featured image for 'Week 1 Recap: Basics of the Bible'

Week 1 Recap: Basics of the Bible

September 25, 2019 – September 27, 2019 This week, interns took two days to go over orientation and spent the

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Featured image for 'No Money, No Honey'

No Money, No Honey

Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.

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Featured image for 'Discovering God in the Detour'

Discovering God in the Detour

As we think about a variety of landscapes that God takes us through in the Christian life, we consider the

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The Crooked Line of Jesus

The Crooked Line of Jesus

Jesus was born King of the Jews. In fact, he was King of the universe. If it had been me,

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Featured image for 'Born Identity'

Born Identity

A young girl once asked her mom, “Where did we come from?” The mother replied, “We came from God; we

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