From Hardship to Harvest Pastor Ilya shared faith building message from story of Ruth how God wants to take us from difficulties to ourRead More
Overcoming the Grip of Pornography (Part 1) A year before immigrating to the United States, around 12 years of age, is when I was first exposed toRead More
Struggle is Real Pastor Vlad continued #BreakFree series with life changing message on STRUGGLING IS REAL. This message will help you to overcomeRead More
5 Steps to Overcome Nightmares? 1/3 of our life is spent sleeping. On average we get 4 dreams per night, that’s about 1,460 per year.Read More
10 Ways to Overcome Spiritual Drought Here is a short word of encouragement Pastor Vlad shared this week on Facebook live. Be sure to listen inRead More
How to Overcome Doubt? Doubt can drown you. Doubt can also be drowned by you. Great men of faith like Abraham, Zachariah, Philip, PeterRead More
5 Steps: How To Heal From Hurt It’s important to know how to deal with pain properly & privately. Meaning you don’t ignore what matters, but LEARNRead More
Defeat Discouragement This week, Pastor Vlad Savchuk shares a message on how to defeat discouragement.Read More
Temptation to Derail This week, Ilya Parkhotyuk shares a message on satan not being able to destroy your destiny but he can tamperRead More
Sticky Situations This week, Vladimir Savchuk shares a message about how the enemy sets up sticky situation to entrap us.Read More