How to Change Your MindMind management is the most important thing for a believer because your success doesn’t start on the outside, it startsRead More
Seven Types of MindI believe that one of the most crippling things a person can have is not a physical problem but whenRead More
Mind WarsMental health is a serious concern in today’s society. Thoughts run rampant, anxiety is at a high, and it’s hardRead More
WHO ARE DEMONS?This is by no means a comprehensive guide into everything about demons but simply the three questions we get askedRead More
Overcoming an Orphan SpiritPastor Vlad shares a powerful message that will surely shatter strongholds in your life. Lies from the devil are toRead More
Baptism of the Holy SpiritPastor Vlad shares a message on being baptized in the Spirit and how to receive the Baptism of the HolyRead More
Promise of the FatherThe Holy Spirit is the PROMISE of the Father. Our relationship with the Holy Spirit is our greatest gift fromRead More
Overcoming Financial FearsDo you have financial fears? What is the purpose of giving? Pastor Vlad shares a message that may answer questionsRead More
4 Reasons of FastEveryone of importance in the Bible practiced fasting: Moses, David, Elijah, Esther, Daniel, Anna, Paul, Jesus, just to name aRead More
Why You Need to Do a 21 Day Fast?January the beginning of the year and millions of people around the globe are hoping that the year will beRead More
Weapon of FastingI want to highlight the power that is released through fasting. Daniel set his mind to humble himself before GodRead More
Deliverance is EssentialDeliverance is ESSENTIAL today. It was yesterday and it will be tomorrow. Listen to this message as Pastor Vlad bringsRead More