
Featured image for 'Your God Given Identity'

Your God Given Identity

Everybody needs to know their God given identity – who they are in Christ. Many people just figured out how

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Featured image for 'Breaking Cycles Of Bondage'

Breaking Cycles Of Bondage

The Book of Judges describes the first 350 years of Israel’s experience in Canaan. This period also included seven cycles

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Featured image for 'Encounter Jesus Christ Today'

Encounter Jesus Christ Today

The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ The resurrection of Jesus is the most important event for every Christian. This is what

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Featured image for 'The Purpose Of Angelic Beings'

The Purpose Of Angelic Beings

Angelic Encounters Our culture has an obsession with angelic beings. While many Christians are dismissive about the subject of angels,

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Featured image for 'The Holy Spirit Makes All The Difference'

The Holy Spirit Makes All The Difference

Have you ever wondered about the difference the Holy Spirit makes to a Christian? The Holy Spirit makes all the

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Featured image for 'The Truth Behind Modern Day Sorcery'

The Truth Behind Modern Day Sorcery

Modern Day Sorcery When you hear ‘sorcery’ you might think of wizards like ‘Gandalf’ in movies, with a staff but

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Featured image for 'Finances According To The Bible'

Finances According To The Bible

Finances according to the Bible are a very important part of our lives. God wants you to work, be productive,

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Featured image for 'Cosmic Conflict'

Cosmic Conflict

I believe we are in a battle with cosmic powers. I want to talk about the war that is going

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Featured image for 'Staying On Fire For God'

Staying On Fire For God

What Quenches Our Fire As humans, we have three main temptations: lust, pride and greed. These are the three temptations

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Featured image for 'How To Beat The Flesh'

How To Beat The Flesh

Victory Over The Flesh Is Not Automatic Just because you are a Christian does not mean you are automatically able

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Featured image for 'PUSH – Pray Until Something Happens'

PUSH – Pray Until Something Happens

We Need To PUSH Pray until something happens. Do not give up on prayer. The kind of prayer Apostle Paul

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Featured image for 'Prayer For Ukraine And Russia'

Prayer For Ukraine And Russia

A Call To Prayer “I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them;

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