Suffering The devil used sin to bring suffering. God used the suffering of Jesus to bring salvation to mankind.Read More
Who’s Your Daddy? One of my favorite memes about 2020 is that the events have played out like a story written by aRead More
Posture in the Process Remember when you were younger and your mom would always tell you “sit up right” or to “straighten out yourRead More
God Will Make a Way There is a natural fear which protects us from danger. There is also an unnatural fear which paralyzes us. It’sRead More
Defeating the Idle Mind The idle mind is becoming present in the time of staying home, it is important that we keep our eyesRead More
How to Take Your Church Online? If your church doesn’t include digital outreach as part of your overall strategy, you’re overlooking an important way to connectRead More
Quarantined but Not Bound! Imagine how the Apostle Paul must have felt: bound with iron manacles, he was imprisoned in a dungeon in aRead More
Rejection is Real It’s not an accident that you stumbled upon this blog, I believe it was God. As you read, I askRead More
5 Leadership Lessons We are called to walk worthy of the calling of God (Ephesians 4:1). God called us first to follow him,Read More
Grace is Greater Than Grind Rest is a Person and his name is Jesus! True rest is found in Jesus and in his finished workRead More
Prophecy for the Decade: Don’t Fear; Stay and Prosper Wars, rumors of wars, Corona virus, economic woes, political uncertainty… all these things scream at us to act out ofRead More