Planted or Buried? Grain seed is extremely small in size. Everything great in life starts with the seed. Even human life starts withRead More
Fossils and dating and rocks, oh my! (Part 1) How do we know the age of the Earth? The Bible has records that show about a 6,000-year history backRead More
5 Stages of Manhood You are male by birth, but man by choice. The worse dilemma in our generation is that boys became husbands.Read More
Why Christians must not be Evolutionists Many people I talk to tell me they believe in God, and many are actually Christians. They have accepted thatRead More
3 Signs of a Leader Worth Following Many of us seek for growth and to be constantly improving one self. The problem is many believe they canRead More
How to Overcome Doubt? Doubt can drown you. Doubt can also be drowned by you. Great men of faith like Abraham, Zachariah, Philip, PeterRead More
Three Types of Curses Curses are real. Sin brought curse. Old Testament divides people into blessed or cursed. Power of curse and blessing isRead More
5 Steps: How To Heal From Hurt It’s important to know how to deal with pain properly & privately. Meaning you don’t ignore what matters, but LEARNRead More
How to be Free from Demons? Jesus said that if person continues to live in sin they are slaves to sin. If they are slaves theyRead More
Who Created God? “If God made everything, then who made God?” This is a question I often I hear from skeptics early inRead More
Who are Demons? Demons are fallen angels who serve Satan (Reference Revelation 12:8-9) Demons are called evil spirits, unclean spirits, familiar spirits, lyingRead More
Can Christians Have Demons? Demons are fallen angels who followed Lucifer after his defeat in heaven. They love to make either habitation in theRead More