Your Search for: vladimir savchuk

Featured image for '6 Red Flags of Dating the Wrong Person'

6 Red Flags of Dating the Wrong Person

Timing is everything. If you pick an apple before it’s ripe it will be sour. The same apple, just a

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Featured image for 'Before God Brings Someone…'

Before God Brings Someone…

He will take something out of you. Yes! Before God brought Eve to Adam, he removed something out of Adam,

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Featured image for 'Sexual Sleep'

Sexual Sleep

“Do not stir up nor awaken love until it pleases.”  Song of Solomon 2:7 This charge appears four times in

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Featured image for 'Waiting on God to Bring Someone'

Waiting on God to Bring Someone

After God told Adam that he needed a spouse, he began looking for a suitable helper, but he did not

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Featured image for '6 Steps to Success in Any Area'

6 Steps to Success in Any Area

We all want to experience change and growth in our life. There are areas in our life where we need

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Featured image for 'Most Watched Sermons of 2019'

Most Watched Sermons of 2019

In the year 2019, we have had the following sermon series, “Encounter” series – 6 sermons“Healing” series – 6 sermons“Secret

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Featured image for 'The Best Decision You Can Make in 2020'

The Best Decision You Can Make in 2020

Losing weight. Paying off debt. Less chill and Netflix. More reading. These are some of the few decisions that people

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Featured image for 'Christmas is about the EMMANUEL'

Christmas is about the EMMANUEL

Christmas is about MIRACLES. If you don’t believe in miracles, you might as well not believe in Christmas. EVERYTHING ABOUT

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Featured image for 'Why Bible?'

Why Bible?

Through prayer we speak to God and through the Bible God speaks to us. The Bible was given to us

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Featured image for '4 Lessons in Christmas'

4 Lessons in Christmas

Around 221 A.D. Sextus Julius Africanus Christianized the “day of the birth of the unconquered sun”, a popular holiday in

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Featured image for 'How to Find a Spouse (Example of Shoes)'

How to Find a Spouse (Example of Shoes)

For those of you who work out or go running, you know how important it is to have good shoes.

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Featured image for 'Why we “TALK” to Demons?'

Why we “TALK” to Demons?

Is it okay to talk to demons? Why do your pastors ask demons questions during deliverance? These are a couple

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