Why Bible? Through prayer we speak to God and through the Bible God speaks to us. The Bible was given to usRead More
Becoming a Grateful Person I’m sure this is the 100th blogpost you came across about Gratitude, since Thanksgiving just happened a few weeks ago andRead More
Power of Meditation The Bible mentions meditation 23 times; 19 of them appear in the Psalms. A man after God’s heart, David, knewRead More
The Forceful Advance of the Kingdom “I assure you: Among those born of women no one greater than John the Baptist has appeared, but the leastRead More
The Power of a Growth Mindset As humans, we are constantly experiencing failure, it is unavoidable and part of life. From infancy we are taught toRead More
Got Your Ears On? Why did Jesus go to such great lengths to disguise God’s truth in parables? Jesus could have given people straightRead More
Jesus Knew Before the Passover Festival, Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart from this world to the Father. HavingRead More
Stressed Life is an unending kaleidoscope that moves at increasing speeds. As we grow in our lives new responsibilities pile onRead More
My Dearest Friend As Jimmy Evans often says, “the greatest needs in a man is respect, sex, friendship with his wife, and domesticRead More
Breaking the Chains of Social Media As a part of this new generation we are saturated by Social Media. We base our standards and sometimes ourRead More
Rising Above the Negativity We live in an increasingly negative culture and it’s easy to be dragged down with all the discouraging and depressingRead More
By the Grace of God We live everyday by the grace of God. We receive forgiveness according to the riches of God’s grace, grace drivesRead More