The Lord Will Fight for YouPharoah was pursuing the terrified children of Israel into the wilderness. They ran right up against the Red Sea andRead More
Dismantling The New Age DeceptionBefore sin, torment or suffering ever entered the world, deception did. The New Age is a very strong deception. IRead More
Template on Dealing With LossThere is no way you can pass through this life without loss. Loss is not just loss of life. ThereRead More
Throw Tobiah OutNehemiah 2:10, 19, when Nehemiah went to Jerusalem, he met Tobiah, a governor placed by the King of Persia, whoRead More
Baptism of the Holy SpiritPastor Vlad shares a message on being baptized in the Spirit and how to receive the Baptism of the HolyRead More
Promise of the FatherThe Holy Spirit is the PROMISE of the Father. Our relationship with the Holy Spirit is our greatest gift fromRead More
The Nature of Holy SpiritWhat is the Holy Spirit like?How can I be closer to Him?How can I relate to the Holy Spirit? MarianaRead More
The Honor in RelationshipWill you honor people even though you had a bad first impression? Will you honor them if maybe you haven’tRead More
Passion for the PresenceIvan shares a refreshing message about how important the presence of God is for lives of believers and what itRead More
Portrait of a DisciplePastor Vlad shares a message about how a disciple is called to live, highlighting the need to walk in obedienceRead More
Spiritual BirthmarksPastor Vlad speaks a powerful message about what salvation means, what it looks like, and what it means to beRead More
What Spirit Controls You?I was a preacher’s kid, and when my Dad went somewhere new, he always preached a stock sermon. I mustRead More