
Featured image for 'Quarantined but Not Bound!'

Quarantined but Not Bound!

Imagine how the Apostle Paul must have felt: bound with iron manacles, he was imprisoned in a dungeon in a

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Featured image for 'Rejection is Real'

Rejection is Real

It’s not an accident that you stumbled upon this blog, I believe it was God. As you read, I ask

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Featured image for '5 Leadership Lessons'

5 Leadership Lessons

We are called to walk worthy of the calling of God (Ephesians 4:1). God called us first to follow him,

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Featured image for 'Grace is Greater Than Grind'

Grace is Greater Than Grind

Rest is a Person and his name is Jesus! True rest is found in Jesus and in his finished work

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Featured image for 'Prophecy for the Decade: Don’t Fear; Stay and Prosper'

Prophecy for the Decade: Don’t Fear; Stay and Prosper

Wars, rumors of wars, Corona virus, economic woes, political uncertainty… all these things scream at us to act out of

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Featured image for '14 Differences Between “Motivational Speaker” and “Bible Preacher”'

14 Differences Between “Motivational Speaker” and “Bible Preacher”

Preaching is God’s appointed means of communicating the Gospel.  Jesus was a preacher and so was Paul.  Preaching has great

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Featured image for 'Pursuing Purity'

Pursuing Purity

What is Purity? Let’s first talk about what purity is. Purity, in biblical language, is to be morally clean, without

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Featured image for '6 Red Flags of Dating the Wrong Person'

6 Red Flags of Dating the Wrong Person

Timing is everything. If you pick an apple before it’s ripe it will be sour. The same apple, just a

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Featured image for 'Reset 2020'

Reset 2020

I was listening to an incredible interview between T.D. Jakes and Steven Furtick a few weeks back, and T.D. Jakes

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Featured image for 'Before God Brings Someone…'

Before God Brings Someone…

He will take something out of you. Yes! Before God brought Eve to Adam, he removed something out of Adam,

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Featured image for 'Sexual Sleep'

Sexual Sleep

“Do not stir up nor awaken love until it pleases.”  Song of Solomon 2:7 This charge appears four times in

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Featured image for 'Waiting on God to Bring Someone'

Waiting on God to Bring Someone

After God told Adam that he needed a spouse, he began looking for a suitable helper, but he did not

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