Template on Dealing With Loss There is no way you can pass through this life without loss. Loss is not just loss of life. ThereRead More
Throw Tobiah Out Nehemiah 2:10, 19, when Nehemiah went to Jerusalem, he met Tobiah, a governor placed by the King of Persia, whoRead More
Are You in WONDER of God? There’s two types of “wonder.” Noun: a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, orRead More
How to Walk In Your Dangerous Authority We are dangerous in the eyes of the devil. We are here to take the world back from the KingdomRead More
How to Change Your Mind Mind management is the most important thing for a believer because your success doesn’t start on the outside, it startsRead More
Seven Types of Mind I believe that one of the most crippling things a person can have is not a physical problem but whenRead More
WHO ARE DEMONS? This is by no means a comprehensive guide into everything about demons but simply the three questions we get askedRead More
Healing of Colorblindness Her hands trembled. A sense of dread seemed to nail her to the seat in her car as a policeRead More
Truth About Hell One second after you die is too late. Heaven is not our default destination. There needs to be a purposefulRead More
The Gospel is God’s Undoing The Bible, if it is what it purports to be, has a unique advantage over all other books: It wasRead More
Healing of Paralysis At the age of 17, something happened to Julia that changed her life forever. Julia was returning home from theRead More
4 Reasons of Fast Everyone of importance in the Bible practiced fasting: Moses, David, Elijah, Esther, Daniel, Anna, Paul, Jesus, just to name aRead More