Waiting for Breakthrough Prophecy can be a little tricky to understand sometimes. Once, I was given a word that my secular work andRead More
How to Pray? Are you wondering how to pray or what to pray for? You are not alone! Disciples asked Jesus the sameRead More
Locked Up Ever have this urging feeling to just breathe out all the toxic parts of life? Those seasons where life turnedRead More
The Honor in Relationship Will you honor people even though you had a bad first impression? Will you honor them if maybe you haven’tRead More
More than Conquerors. Less than Perfect. Here’s a lie I hear sometimes: “I’m so tired/depressed/sad/whatever that I can’t just go to church and put on aRead More
DIY Church Studio In this ‘How To,” I will go over how this studio was built for under $6,000.Read More
10 Keys to Dealing with Difficult People Whether you’re in ministry or on a job, married or in school, you will always be around people. Learning toRead More
From Under Appreciated to Under His Will How to gain perspective when feeling under-appreciated or overlooked.Read More
Healthy Heart Does your heart have peace? Do you feel pain? Do you feel pleasure? Do you delight in His presence? SolomonRead More
The Divinity of Jesus Why should we conform ourselves any longer to the image of the old humanity that is passing away? Let usRead More
More Than Measure Then He said to them, “Take heed what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measuredRead More
Plant Seeds, Pull Weeds and Kill Snakes Lana and I just celebrated 10 years of marriage. Reminiscing over the past 10 years, we want to share someRead More