
Featured image for 'Begin Your Day with REST, not CAFFEINE'

Begin Your Day with REST, not CAFFEINE

When I developed the habit of waking up early for prayer, it didn’t start with simply waking up early. It

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Featured image for 'What it Means to be a Servant'

What it Means to be a Servant

BEEP BEEP BEEP! Your alarm goes off, it’s Sunday morning. You get ready for church and put on your Sunday

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Featured image for 'Power of Meditation'

Power of Meditation

The Bible mentions meditation 23 times; 19 of them appear in the Psalms. A man after God’s heart, David, knew

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The Lord Who Rescued Me

The Lord Who Rescued Me

Have you ever felt overlooked? Picked at or picked apart? Bullied, criticized and even ridiculed? Insecure people are gossiping about

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The Forceful Advance of the Kingdom

The Forceful Advance of the Kingdom

“I assure you: Among those born of women no one greater than John the Baptist has appeared, but the least

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Featured image for 'Fish Love'

Fish Love

Do you love fish? For a large majority of people, the answer is probably yes. If you are a guy,

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Featured image for 'Determined to Win'

Determined to Win

These days, many of us are interested in improving the quality of their lives. Whether you’re attempting to overcome a sinful

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Featured image for 'When Ministry Becomes a Distraction'

When Ministry Becomes a Distraction

When we think of distractions, social media or phones come to mind. Distractions divide our focus. I remember when I

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Featured image for 'The Power of a Growth Mindset'

The Power of a Growth Mindset

As humans, we are constantly experiencing failure, it is unavoidable and part of life. From infancy we are taught to

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Featured image for 'How to Self-Publish Your Book?'

How to Self-Publish Your Book?

With the ascent of Amazon and social media‚ especially for someone who has a message and an audience to share

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Featured image for 'Overcoming the Grip of Pornography (Part 2)'

Overcoming the Grip of Pornography (Part 2)

Jesus is the greatest authority in deliverance. In his admonition for freedom from lust and immorality, he said to “cut

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Featured image for 'The Ceiling for Your Healing'

The Ceiling for Your Healing

Health is a basic value in life. “At least you have your health,” you may hear people say. If you’ve

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