
Featured image for 'Seven Types of Mind'

Seven Types of Mind

I believe that one of the most crippling things a person can have is not a physical problem but when

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Featured image for 'WHO ARE DEMONS?'


This is by no means a comprehensive guide into everything about demons but simply the three questions we get asked

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Featured image for 'Healing of Colorblindness'

Healing of Colorblindness

Her hands trembled. A sense of dread seemed to nail her to the seat in her car as a police

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Featured image for 'Truth About Hell'

Truth About Hell

One second after you die is too late. Heaven is not our default destination. There needs to be a purposeful

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Featured image for 'The Gospel is God’s Undoing'

The Gospel is God’s Undoing

The Bible, if it is what it purports to be, has a unique advantage over all other books: It was

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Featured image for 'Healing of Paralysis'

Healing of Paralysis

At the age of 17, something happened to Julia that changed her life forever. Julia was returning home from the

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Featured image for '4 Reasons of Fast'

4 Reasons of Fast

Everyone of importance in the Bible practiced fasting: Moses, David, Elijah, Esther, Daniel, Anna, Paul, Jesus, just to name a

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Featured image for 'Why You Need to Do a 21 Day Fast?'

Why You Need to Do a 21 Day Fast?

January the beginning of the year and millions of people around the globe are hoping that the year will be

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Featured image for 'Eternal Perspective'

Eternal Perspective

Have you ever been to the mountains? Maybe as you were climbing one slope you thought the top was just

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Featured image for 'Weapon of Fasting'

Weapon of Fasting

I want to highlight the power that is released through fasting. Daniel set his mind to humble himself before God

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Featured image for 'Healthy Heart'

Healthy Heart

Does your heart have peace? Do you feel pain? Do you feel pleasure? Do you delight in His presence?  Solomon

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Featured image for 'How to Overcome Fear'

How to Overcome Fear

There is a natural fear which protects us from danger. There is also an unnatural fear which paralyzes us. It’s

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