Your Search for: vladimir savchuk

Featured image for 'The End Of The World'

The End Of The World

I want to share a message with you about the end of the world and the things that are coming

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Featured image for 'Take The Battle Into The Spiritual Realm'

Take The Battle Into The Spiritual Realm

Deliverance has been demonized in the church and it’s time to deliver the demonized instead of demonizing deliverance. God wants

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Featured image for 'The Pace Of Grace'

The Pace Of Grace

Genesis 33:13-14. I want to speak concerning the practical component of finding peace in the pace of life. We are

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Featured image for 'The Church In The End Times'

The Church In The End Times

Prayer prepares you for what God has prepared for you. Prayer does not just prepare an answer; it prepares us

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Featured image for 'Keep The Lord In God'

Keep The Lord In God

I want you to see the beginning of the temptation in Genesis 3:1. The devil asked, ‘Has God said?’ He

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Featured image for 'Ways To Start Hearing God'

Ways To Start Hearing God

Christianity is not a religion, it is a revelation. And what makes it a revelation is that our God is

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Featured image for 'Why You Should Believe In Heaven'

Why You Should Believe In Heaven

Everybody wants to go to Heaven; nobody wants to die. The Bible uses the word Heaven about 532 times. I

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Featured image for 'Throw Tobiah Out'

Throw Tobiah Out

Nehemiah 2:10, 19, when Nehemiah went to Jerusalem, he met Tobiah, a governor placed by the King of Persia, who

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Featured image for 'Domino Effect of Fasting'

Domino Effect of Fasting

Fasting is a way of life for a believer – however, many don’t understand the importance of fasting 👀 It

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Featured image for 'Covid-19 Update'

Covid-19 Update

We will continue to have in-door services (9 am / 11:30 am) as well as stream both services to YouTube

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Featured image for 'The Power of Thanksgiving'

The Power of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday celebrated in Canada, the United States, some of the Caribbean islands, and Liberia. It

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Featured image for 'How to Pray?'

How to Pray?

Are you wondering how to pray or what to pray for? You are not alone! Disciples asked Jesus the same

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