The Lord Will Fight for You Pharoah was pursuing the terrified children of Israel into the wilderness. They ran right up against the Red Sea andRead More
The Gospel is God’s Undoing The Bible, if it is what it purports to be, has a unique advantage over all other books: It wasRead More
Eternal Perspective Have you ever been to the mountains? Maybe as you were climbing one slope you thought the top was justRead More
Easter and Infinity It’s Good Friday as I write this, and if you don’t know Jesus personally, you might wonder what is soRead More
The Bible and Science In today’s world, it’s important to justify everything we claim based on accepted truth. “Follow the science” has become theRead More
Undoing by Being Undone The Gospel is simply the message announcing the reunited kingdom of God. The kingdom was broken in the garden ofRead More
Just as Good as God If you don’t feel comfortable that you are just as good as God, it may be because you’ve tried andRead More
Walk Free from Repeated Sin Brody suffers from many physical and psychological difficulties and he is under a doctor’s care with a number of medications.Read More
Waiting for Breakthrough Prophecy can be a little tricky to understand sometimes. Once, I was given a word that my secular work andRead More
More than Conquerors. Less than Perfect. Here’s a lie I hear sometimes: “I’m so tired/depressed/sad/whatever that I can’t just go to church and put on aRead More
The Divinity of Jesus Why should we conform ourselves any longer to the image of the old humanity that is passing away? Let usRead More
The Body and the Blood Nothing was safe or pretty about the crucifixion. Why then is our celebration of Communion so sanitized? Come experience CommunionRead More